
IWU is a Unique University

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Mission Statement

Indiana 糖心视频 University is a Christ-centered academic community committed to changing the world by developing students in character, scholarship, and leadership.

Values Lived Out

The primary value for Indiana 糖心视频 University is Christlikeness.  

The challenge to follow Christ compels us to pursue a personal and professional lifestyle of Commitment, Leadership, Service, Stewardship, Innovation and Diversity.

These commitments direct the priorities of the institution and shape the IWU experience, which is similar in some ways to that which is common in American higher education, yet distinctive in other ways.

The following paragraphs express some of the ways in which the mission, vision, and values are realized in the life of the institution – what the IWU mission looks like lived out.


Faith at IWU is not an add-on, or an amenity, or a supplemental benefit. Faith is the starting place and the core dynamic of institutional identity and purpose. Together we hold that Jesus Christ is Lord of all and we commit to follow him in all things. The good news of God’s redemptive work in the world through Jesus Christ gives hope that a better world is possible and motivates a world changing statement of institutional purpose.

While the Christian identity of the IWU community is clear and asserted without apology, the educational ministry of the institution is offered to all without restriction. Students from all backgrounds and religious commitments are welcome to enroll and enrich the IWU community and experience. Christian commitment is not required of entering students nor coerced upon them as they study, but the curriculum explores the intersection between the Christian faith and all areas of knowledge and scholarship.


The IWU community engages in the teaching, learning, scholarship, and service that are the hallmarks of American higher education, but the growth and development of students is primary. The mission statement calls the community to change the world, but recognizes that this is accomplished primarily through the lives of IWU graduates as they live, lead, and minister around the world.

Faculty engage in scholarship, invention, creation, and performance, but always in the context of the educational mission. Faculty and staff engage in service in innumerable ways in the communities in which IWU has a presence, but these service activities commonly engage the disciplinary strengths of the institutional and commonly include students. Nothing that IWU does competes with the education of students. Rather, the multitude of programs and pursuits that make up the dynamic of IWU life cooperate in accomplishing the core educational mission.


A diverse learning community reflects the world in which we live and, therefore, provides a rich educational experience for all students and faculty. IWU is therefore committed to create a community that reflects kingdom diversity and fosters an intentional environment that exhibits honor, respect, and dignity.

Acknowledging visible or invisible differences, the IWU community authentically values each member’s earthly and eternal worth. Refuting ignorance and isolation, the community embraces deliberate and courageous engagement that exhibits Christ’s commandment to love all humankind.


Higher education is empowering, and IWU seeks to empower all who can benefit from an IWU education. IWU is not highly selective, does not covet the prestige of the elite, and does not cater to those already powerful and influential. Rather, we admit everyone who meets the admission requirements and foster the success of all, especially those historically marginalized and excluded.

Many individuals who can benefit from higher education are unable to attend college in the traditional, residential fashion, so IWU was an early adopter of working-adult-focused, non-residential educational programming, and has long provided accessible education in urban centers through its regional education centers. Similarly, IWU was an early adopter of online education which extends opportunity around the world. IWU seeks to overcome barriers of access and make education available in whatever modalities, patterns, and schedules best meet the needs of students.


IWU seeks both to provide educational opportunities to students around the world who may have few other options and to provide a global education for students from the Midwest. This global impetus is an obvious necessity of our world changing mission and of Christ’s command that we go into all the world.

IWU has educational programs in Spanish and in French that serve students in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and throughout Central America. IWU sends students and faculty to China and welcomes Chinese students and faculty to Marion. IWU cooperates in scholarship with a sister school in Sydney, Australia. IWU students study and serve abroad in numerous countries. IWU is becoming a global university, serving and changing the world.


The vision statement declares IWU to be a truly great Christian university. What does truly great mean? When do we know that we have arrived at greatness? For IWU, greatness is defined by the words and example of Christ Jesus.

Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant . . . just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.(Matthew 20:26,28)

A truly great Christian University is great in service. Day by day the IWU community shows its greatness, and changes the world, by going the extra mile in service to students, to one another, and to the communities that IWU is privileged to serve

糖心视频 IWU

Indiana 糖心视频 University is a Christian comprehensive university of The 糖心视频 Church. The University was founded in 1920 as Marion College and is committed to liberal arts and professional education.

Indiana 糖心视频 is the largest member of the , the largest private college in Indiana, based on enrollment, and is one of the largest 糖心视频 in Grant County.

Indiana 糖心视频 University is an energized community committed to changing the world. We guide students in discovering their individual purpose and life calling and help them develop in character, scholarship, and leadership.

Scholarship at IWU builds on distinguished academics through high-quality, collaborative work by students and faculty members. Professors offer spiritual and academic mentoring and discipleship, and students flourish from individual attention. IWU's spiritually rich learning environment, academic commitment, and caring instruction develop in students the knowledge, skills, and disposition to change the world for Jesus Christ.

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